Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Dr AK: International Technical Conference 2012
30 Okt. 2012 - 1 Nov. 2012. ITC 2012 berlansung di Vistana Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. Terdapat sebanyak 120 peserta yang datang dari negara Malaysia, Indonesia, Korea, Iran dan lain-lain. Sesi pembentangan kertas kerja berlansung selama dua hari dalam bidang kejuruteraan. Pada hari ketiga, peserta dibawa melawat ke Putra Jaya, Masjid Besi dan KLIA2. Kemudiannya ke Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina, UKM untuk perbincangan antara organizer iaitu UKM dan CAU (Chung Ang University, Korea). Sebelum ke airport, peserta sempat melawat ke Taman Teknologi Hijau di UKM.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Dr AK: Jom Power Nap
1. Find a good place to nap.
2. Have caffeine right before you nap.
3. When you're close to finishing your coffee, set an alarm to go off in 15 minutes.
4. Outside of your office door, post up a sign that says you are power-napping and can be contacted at a certain time.
5. Get up as soon as the alarm goes off. Sleeping for any longer than
20 minutes will be counterproductive. Sleeping more than 30 minutes can
lead to sleep inertia, making you feel sluggish and more tired than
Dr AK: Aplikasi Meta-State Engineering
Pada 29 Ogos 2012, saya coin istilah "Meta-State Engineering" dan terangkan penggunaan Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) dan Neuro-Semantics (NS) dalam rekabentuk kejuruteraan kepada rakan-rakan dalam Kursus Neuro-Semantics di Shah Alam, dan saya juga berpendapat ianya perlu untuk melengkapkan kajian Artificial Intelligence seperti "Expert System" dan "Fuzzy Logics" dalam blog saya. Pagi ini saya membaca artikel ini.
NASA Launches with NLP! An Interview with Dr. Alenka Brown Vanhoozer, Director for Advanced Cognitive Technologies
By Al Wadleigh
I met Alenka at the NLP Comprehensive
Post Master Advanced Language Patterns workshop in Winter Park,
Colorado, this past summer. Alenka is taking NLP to the stars –
literally. Her work involves using NLP to create what she calls
Adaptive Human-System Integration Technologies for various applications: aerospace (commercial, military, NASA), brain mapping,
behavior profiling, modelling of learning and decision-making
strategies and more. Here is what she had to say about her work.
AW: So, tell me about your organization and what you are doing.
AB: I'm the Director of the Center for
Advanced Cognitive Technologies at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge
Y12 facility in Tennessee. Previous to this position, I was a research
engineer for Argonne National Laboratory where my work with NLP started.
For the past nine years I have conducted research involving
representational systems and submodalities in the design of adaptive
systems for human-system interaction.
The research involved
understanding how internal representational systems can be used to
develop adaptive systems that match how an individual processes
information. Other areas of study have involved modelling beliefs,
values, and motivation at the neuro-physiological level and preferred
representational systems, chiefly visual, auditory and kinesthetic
(V-A-K). In my research to date, I found the modeling approach of NLP to
be an untapped resource for understanding human behavior in the fields
of artificial intelligence, cyber security, adaptive systems,
identifying inherent system design errors, extraction of information for
systems design, virtual mirroring, modelling successful individuals,
and much, much more. And now, I'm integrating this with neural brain
research for correlating representational systems with neural pathways
and associating the results with semiotics.
AW: What are some of the projects you are working on?
AB: One of the projects I'm currently
conducting is for NASA based on the representational systems – V-A-K.
I'm looking at previously filmed videos of eye scanning movements of
different subject pilots, and correlating this to written transcripts of
verbal conversations of the subject pilots during various scenarios.
I'm mapping how each of the subject pilots process information during
abnormal and normal conditions. Basically, determining primary
representational systems, and the construction of internal strategies
when performing specific tasks. From the results, I will determine how
to enhance current training programs for pilots and suggest new designs
for flight decks. Over the length of the project results from this study
may be used to enhance certain areas of the astronaut training program.
The project also involves training human factors engineers at NASA
Langley on how to use NLP techniques in their research studies.
I'm conducting work with a colleague for
the Department of Defense in designing adaptive systems for battle
visualization and planning. Other projects within the near future will
involve NLP methodology and knowledge preservation, advanced learning
systems, behavior profiling and adaptive cognitive systems for
biometrics, which involves correlating representational systems with
neural pathways and semiotics.
AW: What would be an example of how you use this information?
AB: New commercial pilots being hired
today are no longer primarily ex-military pilots in their late 30's,
early 40's with 20 years experience. Because less ex-military pilots are
retiring, commercial airlines are starting to hire pilots that come
from a general aviation background with a minimum of at least a 1,000
hours of flight time. The ex-military and general aviation pilots have
different flying philosophies, different types of training and standards
that they set for themselves, or that have been set for them. So we
will probably start to see different types of errors in the new pilots
compared to their counterparts – ex-military or older commercial pilots.
Planes today are pretty much automated
and can fly themselves. It has been noticed in simulator training that
the newer pilots, who are non ex-military or senior commercial pilots,
are much more comfortable with the automated systems until there is an
abnormal condition. Once an abnormal condition is activated, these new
pilots start to hesitate and second-guess themselves. It has been
suggested that this is due to the fact that these new pilots rely more
heavily on the computers and less on their ability of manual control.
The opposite seems more prevalent with the senior pilots of 15 or 20
years experience. An abnormal condition is activated and these senior
pilots automatically take over manual control and feel their way through
the situation. The interesting part is that these same senior pilots
are not as comfortable with the highly automated systems as the newer
So we're looking at possibly new types
of error problems with the new pilots being hired today. I would use the
NLP models and techniques to understand how the philosophies are
different at the neuro-physiological level, establish the V-A-K
strategies being used between the two types of pilots during various
scenarios, and compare results for the enhancement of simulator training
and design. This type of enhancement could then be transitioned into
redesign of flight decks for commercial and NASA applications.
AW: In a sense you are designing the
user interfaces of flight decks to the unique characteristics of the
pilots employing them depending upon whether their modality preference
is kinesthetic, auditory, or visual. Have you worked on other user
AB: Yes. I have done similar work for
the nuclear engineering field for the Department of Energy. I modelled
nuclear reactor operators at two facility sites to determine how they
processed information. I found that the majority of the nuclear
operators observed were primarily kinesthetically oriented with the
second largest group being auditory. The studies compared the
representational systems to preferred characteristics or attributes that
each of the operators liked or disliked on visual displays. From these
results, we were able to develop a list of screen display
characteristics for the auditories, kinesthetics, and visuals. It was
noticed that the kinesthetic's and the auditorie's preferences
overlapped in several areas like background colors – they both dislike
black. The kinesthetics remarked that black backgrounds made them
uncomfortable and gave them a negative feeling. I was also able to
determine the amount of colors, the type of text, fonts, character
density on the screen, and more preferred by each group (V-A-K). They
demonstrated preferences about whether to use icons, symbols, or text,
how images, icons and layout of screen displays should be developed, and
so on. From these studies, I am able to tell if a visual, an auditory,
or a kinesthetic individual designed the system, and what sort of
inherent errors we could expect.
AW: That's really fascinating. So just
by the screen layout you can know the modality preference of the person
who designed it. This has some profound implications for designers as
well as users!
AB: Yes it does. Another example was
several years ago at what was known then as the Chem Plant run by
Westinghouse in Idaho. I went and saw a series of screen displays newly
developed by Westinghouse for their in-house operators. I mentioned to
the engineer that, "Either you had operators design these screens or
you're still in the process of designing them." He replied that "the
operators did it – the engineers didn't develop the screen displays for
the operators." When the engineer got to one particular screen and I
said, "Well, either the operators couldn't see inside this room that's
being depicted here, or you had an engineer do this one," he said, "The
operators couldn't see inside the room. So they went and got the piping
and instrumentation drawing so they had some clue as to what was in the
room." The graphical interfaces or screen displays that were shown to me
were very simplistic. The screen only displayed what the operators felt
was necessary to see. There were limited saturated earth tone colors on
the screen, a legend, and very little text. That indicated to me the
operators designing the screens were primarily kinesthetic or auditorily
oriented. And sure enough, the operators who developed the screens were
primarily kinesthetic-auditory (sequentially oriented).
So I told the engineer, "You know these
screens are pretty good." The engineer said, "We gave the operators a
system and they came in and designed these screens." And I said, "Well,
then they're designing it for the way THEY see it, they hear it, or they
feel it. These are good screens. This is the way screens need to be
designed – to the operator's needs. They're the ones working on it 40 to
60 hours a week, it's not the engineer who's going to be sitting here."
AW: What I'm getting from this is that
the inherent errors in user interfaces has more to do with the
incongruence between the screen and how the user processes information.
If the user is kinesthetic and the designer is visual the user will have
more difficulty with the interface.
AB: Right. So another portion of the
research and applications we've been doing is also identifying the
designers' way of processing information and seeing where there's
conflict. So, typically, if you have a designer whose primary reference
system is visual, he's going to design the system from a visual
perspective. Even though the designer will show the information that's
required, the information will be displayed in a format that is
comfortable to the designer's way of processing information meaning it's
going to have a certain amount of colors, probably too much text, too
much information packed in, and a background color that is unsuitable to
the kinesthetic and auditory oriented processors. Everything is going
to look the way this designer likes it to look. It's not going to look
the way the auditory or kinesthetic operator would prefer for it to
look. So, here's where we're starting to notice inherent errors being
designed into systems, and that's what we mean by inherent system design
errors. These are not inherent errors to the engineer designing the
system but to the people using the system. The system does not match the
way the operators or users are processing information. So the system is
not adapting to them. And that's an area that we're working in. We're
designing adaptive systems.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
NLP: Petua Berniaga
Bagi seorang yang kurang pengetahuan dalam perniagaan, tugasnya seperti membawa seekor kuda (pelangan) menuju sebuah tasik dan memaksanya minum air (beli barang). Tentulah susah. Bagi seorang yang berpengetahuan, tugasnya bukan memaksa kuda itu minum tetapi membuatnya merasa haus.
Untuk membuat pelangan merasa haus, anda perlu tahu minda pelangan (meta program).
Dr AK: Goodbye Shreya & Madhuri
28 Okt. 2012. Ahad. Teruja diminta menyemak ejaan tesis Doktor Falsafah "Gambaran Masyarakat Melayu Menerusi Novel-novel Melayu Cape, Afrika Selatan" menggunakan Dewan Eja Pro serta mencetak tesis setebal 254 mukasurat. Selendang Sari hanya menunggu esok untuk binding dan hantar 2nd draft kepada penyelia. Tumpang gembira melihat beliau membelek tesisnya yang telah siap di tangan (i know how it feels).
Tahniah! Kerja 3 1/2 tahun sudah selesai, menunggu viva saja. Nampaknya bilik tidur yang sudah jadi bilik komputer dan perpustakaan boleh dikemaskan, dan akan berkumandanglah lagu-lagu Shreya Ghospal dan movie Madhuri Dixit setelah sekian lama kena blacklist.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Dr AK: Framing dan Reframing
EB = Pendidikan di Universiti Tempatan
IS = Tidak Bertaraf Dunia
Deframing - Specifying the Magic
(1) Apa yang anda maksudkan dengan bertaraf dunia? Bila anda sebut universiti tempatan, adakah anda golongkan juga universiti luar negeri yang beroperasi dalam negara? Apakah rujukan pengalaman anda yang mengatakan tidak bertaraf dunia? Secara spesifiknya, bertaraf dunia yang bagaimana?
Deframing - Getting the Magical Strategy
(2) Bagaimana anda tahu universiti tempatan tidak bertaraf dunia?
Content Reframing - Reframe the EB content
(3) Amat menarik! ramai pelajar dari luar negara datang ke sini untuk mendapat pendidikan di universiti tempatan dan anda katakan ianya tidak bertaraf dunia?
Content Reframing - Reframe the IS content
(4) Nampaknya anda seperti kurang jelas dengan maksud bertaraf dunia, mungkin anda maksudkan universiti terbaik di dunia.
Counter Framing - Reflexively apply the EB (X)
(5) Saya pernah mendapat pendidikan di universiti tempatan dan universiti terkenal di luar negara yang anda anggap sebagai bertaraf dunia, saya dapati universiti tempatan setanding dengan universiti tersebut.
Counter Framing - Reflexively apply the IS (Y)
(6) anda tahu yang kakitangan akademik universiti tempatan kebanyakannya mendapat ijazah dari universiti bertaraf dunia, bagaimana pendidikan yang mereka beri tidak bertaraf dunia pula?
Counter Framing - Counter Example
(7) jadi anda hendak beritahu saya yang anda pernah melihat di sebuah bilik kuliah di universiti tempatan tidak ada lcd projektor, anda ingat semua bilik kuliah di universiti tempatan begitukah?
Pre-Framing - Positive Prior Intention
(8) tahukah anda bahawa kepercayaan yang anda bawa ini menyebabkan anda memandang rendah kepada graduan yang dihasilkan oleh universiti tempatan termasuk diri anda sendiri.
Pre-Framing - Positive Prior Cause
(9) Saya tertanya-tanya mungkin anda percaya begini kerana anda pernah mengenali graduan universiti tempatan yang berkualiti rendah, itu cuma generalization anda saja.
Post-Framing - First Outcome
(10) Jika anda masih percaya sebegini, bagaimana anda ingin menghormati pensyarah anda di universiti tempatan dan diri anda yang belajar di universiti tempatan?
Post-Framing - Outcomes of Outcome
(11) Jika anda percaya sebegini, anda boleh dianggap tidak menghormati graduan dan pensyarah dari universiti tempatan, bagaimana mereka akan menghormati anda?
Post-Framing - Ultimate Outcome
(12) Jika anda biarkan kepercayaan ini ada dalam diri anda sepanjang hayat, bayangkan bagaimana tidak hormatnya anda kepada graduan universiti tempatan dan bagaimana anda juga tidak dihormati oleh mereka. Bukankah merugikan anda?
Up-Framing - Out-Framing - Model of the World
(13) Bagaimana anda boleh berpendapat sebegini dan dari pandangan siapa yang anda ambil?
Up-Framing - Out-Framing - Value Outframing
(14) Anda percaya kepada slogan Malaysia boleh, bagaimana pula sekarang anda seolah-olah tidak percaya kepada kebolehan Malaysia untuk menghasilkan pendidikan bertaraf dunia?
Up-Framing - Out-Framing - Allness Outframing
(15) Jika semua orang percaya seperti anda, berapa agaknya bilangan pelajar luar negara yang akan mendaftar di universiti tempatan?
Up-Framing - Out-Framing - Necessity Outframing
(16) Apakah yang anda perlukan untuk percaya universiti tempatan bertaraf dunia?
Up-Framing - Out-Framing - Identity Outframing
(17) Anda adalah orang terpelajar yang bekerja di syarikat internasional hasil pendidikan universiti tempatan, sudah tentulah pendidikan anda bertaraf dunia?
Up-Framing - Out-Framing - All Other Outframing Abstractions
(18) Bila anda berfikir mengenai pendidikan di universiti tempatan, bagaimana ia mempengaruhi anda untuk mengatakan ianya tidak bertaraf dunia?
Up-Framing - Out-Framing - Ecology Outframing
(19) Jika kita katakan universiti tempatan tidak bertaraf dunia, apakah kebaikan yang kita perolehi? Bolehkah ianya meningkatkan kepercayaan majikan untuk mengambil graduan universiti tempatan bekerja di syarikat mereka?
Analogous Framing - Metaphor or Story Outframing
(20) Bulan lepas saya ke luar negara bertemu dengan dua orang profesor dari University of Pittsburgh dan seorang dari MIT, mereka kagum dengan pencapaian universiti tempatan kerana berjaya menghasilkan penyelidikan yang bermutu dalam jurnal Q1 serta menduduki ranking 200 universiti terbaik dunia, mereka mengikhtiraf universiti tempatan bertaraf dunia, siapalah kita untuk mengatakan sebaliknya.
Inilah contoh penggunaan 20 teknik framing dan reframing yang dihasikan oleh Dr Michael Hall selepas remodeling kerja Dr Robert Dilts. Selepas itu ada 6 lagi teknik yang dihasilkan oleh Dr Michael Hall dari perspektif Neuro-Semantik. Jadi kesemuanya 26 teknik. Dalam kajian saya, 26 teknik ini cukup ampuh untuk digunakan oleh NLPers dalam kebanyakan aplikasi seperti debat, mesyuarat, jual produk, kaunseling dan sekurang-kurangnya borak di kedai kopi tetapi tidak cukup berkesan untuk kes kritikal seperti berdepan dengan opponent yang kurang ajar dan degil.
Sempena hari raya korban ini saya berbesar hati untuk berkongsi 4 lagi teknik framing, style Dr AK yang dihasilkan di makmal Meta-State Engineering. Ianya melepasi primary state dan meta states iaitu pada tahap external behaviour, dikenali dengan (27) External Behaviour Framing - Visual, (28) External Behaviour Framing - Auditory, (29) External Behaviour Framing - Kinesthetic dan (30) External Behaviour Framing - Gustatory. Ianya sesuai untuk situasi kritikal, bila teknik 1 - 26 tidak berfungsi dengan baik dan dilakukan di luar sesi terapi.
External Behaviour Framing - Visual
(27) bulat dan besarkan mata anda serta cekak pinggang, kemudian pandang tepat ke matanya seolah-olah anda mahu menelan seluruh badannya, dalam hati (Ad) "ingat universiti luar negara bagus sangat ke?"
External Behaviour Framing - Auditory
(28) tutup kedua telinga anda dengan jari telunjuk kiri dan kanan kemudian sebut "AAAAAA AAAA AAAA", dalam hati (Ad) "tension aku dengan budak ni, tak paham-paham". Kalau ada masalah boleh ikut demo ini:
External Behaviour Framing - Kinesthetic
(29) angkat kaki (balik rumah lagi bagus)
External Behaviour Framing - Gustatory
(30) kumpulkan air liur dalam mulut anda dan tuuiiih...
"Jangan amik serious sangat naa... "If you're serious you're stupid - Dr Richard Bandler (andaian NLP)" selamat hari raya korban, maaf zahir dan batin" - Dr AK.
Monday, October 22, 2012
IKLAN: International Technical Conference 2012
22 Okt. 2012. Isnin. Sehari duduk menulis. Akhirnya, sempat juga hantar paper bertajuk "Stability of Segmental Retaining Wall using ANFIS (Artificial Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System)" ke konferen ITC2012 bersama dengan tiga lagi paper dari postgraduates di bawah seliaan. Insyaallah jumpa di sana nanti.
30 Oct 2012 - 1 Nov. 2012
Hotel Vistana
RM1000 (RM450 student)
It is with great pleasure for the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in collaboration with the Jurutera Perunding Zaaba (JPZ) and the School of Architecture, Building Science & Urban Engineering, College of Engineering, Chung Ang University, South Korea to present the 3rd International Technical Conference CAU-UKM-JPZ, ITC 2012, to further bridge as well as nurture the understanding and collaboration amongst the regional and global engineering/science scientists and practitioners.
30 Oct 2012 - 1 Nov. 2012
Hotel Vistana
RM1000 (RM450 student)
It is with great pleasure for the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in collaboration with the Jurutera Perunding Zaaba (JPZ) and the School of Architecture, Building Science & Urban Engineering, College of Engineering, Chung Ang University, South Korea to present the 3rd International Technical Conference CAU-UKM-JPZ, ITC 2012, to further bridge as well as nurture the understanding and collaboration amongst the regional and global engineering/science scientists and practitioners.
Website:, October 21, 2012
Dr AK: Mind-Lines
Orang jarang marah kepada orang asing. Untuk
marah atau menegur seseorang mengenai perkara kecil/remeh yang
dilakukannya sehingga merudum hati dan perasaannya, anda perlu sayang
dia terlebih dahulu.
Betulkah anda sayang dia?
atau anda hanya kecewa kerana kehendak anda tidak dapat dipenuhi?
Betulkah anda sayang dia?
atau anda hanya kecewa kerana kehendak anda tidak dapat dipenuhi?
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
NLP: Cerita Seorang Sami
Seorang lelaki memandu kereta, tiba-tiba rosak berhampiran dengan sebuah biara. Beliau pergi ke biara tersebut, mengetuk pintu dan berkata, "Kereta saya rosak. Bolehkah saya menginap di sini malam ini?"
Ketua sami menerima tetamu tersebut, memberi makan dan juga membaiki keretanya. Ketika hendak tidur lelaki itu terdengar bunyi yang pelik dan memukau; bunyi yang tidak pernah didengar olehnya sebelum ini. Keesokan harinya, dia bertanya kepada sami-sami yang ada di situ mengenai bunyi tersebut, tetapi mereka berkata, "Kami tidak boleh beritahu kamu kerana kamu bukanlah seorang sami." Lelaki itu kecewa tetapi mengucapkan terima kasih dan meninggalkan tempat itu.
Beberapa tahun kemudian, kereta lelaki yang sama rosak di hadapan biara itu. Ketua sami menerima lelaki itu lagi, memberi makan dan membaiki keretanya.
Pada malam itu, lelaki itu terdengar bunyi yang sama, pelik dan memukau minda. Keesokan harinya, dia bertanya mengenai bunyi tersebut, tetapi jawapan yang sama diberikan oleh sami-sami di situ, "Kami tidak boleh beritahu kamu kerana kamu bukanlah seorang sami." Lelaki itu berkata, "Saya sangat ingin tahu, bagaimana saya boleh menjadi seorang sami?"
Ketua sami berkata, "Kamu mesti berjalan di seluruh pelusuk bumi dan beritahu kami berapa banyak rumput dan batu yang ada di atas muka bumi. Apabila kamu tahu bilangannya, kamu boleh menjadi seorang sami."
Lelaki itu bersetuju untuk melakukan tugas itu kerana terlalu ingin mengetahui bunyi tersebut.
Setelah 40 tahun mengembara, lelaki itu kembali dan mengetuk pintu biara. Beliau berkata, "Saya telah mengembara di seluruh pelusuk bumi dan menumpukan hidup saya untuk tugas mengira rumput dan batu. Saya telah temui apa yang kamu minta. Terdapat 371,145,236,284,232 helai rumput dan 231,281,219,999,129,382 batu di muka bumi ini."
Ketua sami berkata, "Tahniah! kamu betul dan sekarang kamu dianggap sebagai seorang sami. Mari saya tunjukkan bagaimana bunyi tersebut dihasilkan."
Ketua sami membawa lelaki itu ke sebuah pintu kayu dan berkata, "Sumber bunyi ada di sebalik pintu ini." Lelaki tersebut mencapai tombol tetapi pintu itu berkunci. Dia bertanya, "Boleh berikan saya kunci pintu ini?" Ketua sami memberikannya kunci dan pintu itu pun dibuka.
Di belakang pintu kayu ada sebuah pintu yang diperbuat daripada batu. Lelaki itu meminta kunci untuk pintu batu pula. Ketua sami memberinya kunci dan dia membuka pintu batu itu. Kemudian dia berjumpa dengan pintu yang diperbuat daripada Rubi pula. Sekali lagi, lelaki itu meminta kunci dan diberikan oleh sami tersebut. Di belakang pintu itu, ada pula pintu lain yang diperbuat daripada batu Nilam. Ketua sami memberikan kunci kepada pintu itu sehinggalah sampai ke pintu yang diperbuat daripada batu Zamrud, Perak dan Topaz.
Akhirnya, ketua sami berkata, "Ini adalah kunci kepada pintu terakhir." Lelaki itu terasa lega kerana berada di pintu terakhir. Dia membuka pintu dan di sebalik pintu itu dia terkejut kerana bunyi itu datangnya dari sumber yang amat pelik sekali. Ianya merupakan sesuatu yang luar biasa dan menakjubkan.
"Saya tidak boleh beritahu anda apa yang lelaki itu nampak kerana ANDA BUKANLAH SEORANG SAMI. Jangan marah kepada saya sebab saya pun sedang mencari siapa yang mencipta cerita karut ini." - Dr AK.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Dr AK: Selangkah Ke Ambang Kejayaan
13 Oktober 2012, Sabtu. Bersama dengan pelajar Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam & Struktur, UKM. Kursus dikendalikan oleh saya dan Pn. Hanida Haron, dibantu oleh En. Zawawi, Dr. Azrul dan Dr. Nur Izzi sebagai ahli jawatankuasa serta En. KAT sebagai penyelaras program. Bengkel ini diadakan untuk melonjak prestasi pelajar. Mereka dibekalkan dengan pegetahuan NLP seperti neuro-logikal level, VAK, reframing, meta-program dan beberapa paten dalam NLP seperti Swish dan Mind to Muscle serta Teknik Belajar Berkesan seperti SQ3R dan Cornell's Notes.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
NLP: Mari Bersyukur
Kes Satu:
Ada dua orang pesakit di hospital bahagia. Pesakit pertama sedang duduk termenung sambil menyebut-nyebut, "Samad! Samad!" Seorang pelawat yang hairan bertanyakan masalah yang dihadapi. Doktor menjawab, "Orang ini jadi gila setelah cintanya ditolak oleh Samad." Si pelawat mengangguk-anggukkan kepala tanda faham. Apabila melalui bilik lain, dia terkejut melihat penghuninya memukul-mukulkan kepalanya di tembok dan berteriak, "Samad! Samad!" "Orang ini juga ada masalah dengan Samad?" tanya pelawat itu kehairanan. Doktor menjawab, "Ya, dialah yang akhirnya menikah dengan Samad."
Kes Dua:
Seorang ibu sedang terapung-terapung di laut kerana kapal yang dinaikinya karam namun tetap gembira. Bila ditanya kenapa gembira, dia menjawab, "Saya mempunyai dua orang anak lelaki. Yang pertama sudah meninggal dunia, yang kedua menunggu saya di pelabuhan. Kalau selamat, saya sangat gembira kerana dapat berjumpa dengan anak kedua saya. Tetapi kalau mati tenggelam, saya juga gembira kerana dapat berjumpa dengan anak pertama saya."
"Bersyukurlah setiap masa dengan apa yang kita ada. Hidup lebih bahagia kalau kita menikmati apa yang kita miliki. Malangnya ramai yang melihat rumput lebih hijau di halaman tetangga." - Dr AK
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